• Domino Learns His ABC's

  • "And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith."

    Matthew 21:12

  • Teaching kids faith through literature and art


“A book made for every teacher, family, parent, and growing soul looking to learn the word of God through literature and art.”

Domino Learns His ABC’s

Meet Domino a young and playful horse who loves to discover new things. Join Domino on his ABC adventure, which takes place on his farm. You will see what a typical day on the farm is all about and meet some friends along the way. Domino loves God and all of God’s creations.

Domino Learns His Colors

Join Domino, a young and playful horse, as he discovers his favorite color. This colorful adventure takes place on his farm. He explores all seven colors of the rainbow and gets help from his friends along the way. Domino is thankful to God for all of his blessings and the gift of color.

A portion of proceeds will be donated to a horse rescue charity.

Domino Learns His Numbers

Count with Domino, a young and playful horse, as he learns his numbers. You will be counting animals, insects, and other things on the farm. During this counting journey, you will discover the Ten Commandments. By learning the Ten Commandments, you will also see the nature of God Himself. Domino is grateful for God’s guidance in his life through the Ten Commandments.

A portion of proceeds will be donated to a horse rescue charity.

About the Author

From a young age, the author has always had a passion and love for horses. The main character, Domino, is one of God’s beautiful creations that has always been in her heart. As a mother of three, she found inspiration to create a book that would be spiritual, educational, and fun.

We care for animals! Please give back to save gods most beautiful creation. 

The purpose of Habitat for Horses Inc. is

a) To promote and secure the safety, well being and health of horses.

b) To encourage education concerning the physical and mental health of horses.

c) To utilize horses in the growth and mental health of humans, either adult or children, through education, demonstration and connection.

d) To study, promote, and enhance the proper training of horses through positive training techniques.

e) To provide a home for those horses who are no longer able to be productive.

f) To return to health, if possible, those owned horses that are deemed sick or injured.